The Rape of Philomela

The Story: Philomela was the daughter of Pandion, the king of Athens. Procne, her loving sister was wedded by her father to be in a sacred wedlock with Tereus, the king of Thrace. After a while, Procne started missing her sister Philomela. Procne used all her charm to persuade Tereus to either send her toContinue reading The Rape of Philomela

Explanatory Essay: Marsyas & Apollo

Marsyas and Apollo, Book 6, 435-57  Link:  When I first found this source, I was surprised by how brief the myth was and then got intrigued by the webpage’s use of multiple sources for the myth itself.  I looked at various sources to see what I thought would be a good source to critique and ultimately cameContinue reading “Explanatory Essay: Marsyas & Apollo”

Source Analysis: Marsyas & Apollo

Marsyas and Apollo, Book 6, 435-57  Link:  The myth on the webpage talks about how Marsyas challenged Apollo, the god of music, to a music contest, which was judged by the Muses. Marsyas naturally ended up losing and, for challenging the god Apollo, he was punished. Apollo hanged Marsyas in a cave and peeled his skin off.Continue reading “Source Analysis: Marsyas & Apollo”

Explanatory Essay: the Giants

The Virginia Edu website provides concise and simplified versions of many Greek and Roman myths, which could make it a great resource for a student when looking to understand ancient literature. Unfortunately, the website lacks specific citations, the individual myths not linking to any specific texts it all makes the website useless for any academicContinue reading “Explanatory Essay: the Giants”

The Giants

The giants were a tribe of over a hundred giant humanoid beings; they are sometimes considered to be part of the Titans as they are from the same generation, being born of Gaia and the blood of Ouranos when he was castrated by his Titan son. i  The Giants are most notably mention in Ovid’s Metamorphosesii. In this portrayal they were described attempting to take over the heavens, onlyContinue reading “The Giants”

Source Analysis: the Giants

“The giants” 1.The Giants attempted to take over the heavens by climbing mountains stacked on top of each other, but zeus struck them down with a lightning bolt. Gaia their mother then reanimated their blood into a violent race of humans, it was easy to tell they were born of violence. This caused the son ofContinue reading “Source Analysis: the Giants”

Apollo & Daphne

Apollo was the Greek god of poetry, music, archery, healing, disease, and much more. He was one of the twelve Olympians and was the son of Zeus1. Daphne was a naiad and the Daughter of river god Peneus and Nymph Creusa2.   Apollo once crossed paths with Eros and made a joke suggesting that Eros’s power was useless. This attitude upset Eros, so he decided to seek revenge onContinue reading “Apollo & Daphne”

Source Analysis: Apollo & Daphne

Apollo was a famous god that could heal as well as give disease, and Daphne was a very beautiful Naiad Nymph. Because Apollo insulted Eros, Eros shot Apollo with a gold arrow to make him fall in love with Daphne. Eros shot Daphne with a Lead arrow to make her resist Apollo. Daphne begged Peneus to get her away fromContinue reading “Source Analysis: Apollo & Daphne”

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