The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus

The myth of “Daedalus and Icarus” demonstrates how you cannot outrun or outfly your fate[1]. The idea of changing your fate is seen in other myths such as “The Birth of the Olympians,” where Kronos cannot change his fate by swallowing a rock and vomiting up his children[2]. This led Kronos to be overthrown byContinue reading “The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus”

The Rape of Philomela

The myth, “The Rape of Philomela” is a Devastating story of rape and revenge. This story features Philomela and Procne, The daughter’s of the king of Athens, and Tereus, a powerful and wealthy descendant of Mars. Procne marries Tereus and leaves her father and sister to go live with him. After some time Procne asksContinue reading “The Rape of Philomela”

The Myth of Memnon

The myth “Memnon” follows the tragic death of a warrior at the end of the Trojan war[1]. This myth is not exceptionally well known, but it is referenced in some classical literature such as Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Pausanias’ Description of Greece. A few characters are very important to understanding the myth of “Memnon,” and mostContinue reading “The Myth of Memnon”

The Downfall of Icarus

Characters Daedalus: Craftsman and Architect, created the labyrinth and functional wings Naucrate: Mother of Icarus Icarus: Son of Naucrate and Daedalus, later dies after not following his father’s rules King Minos: King of Crete, imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus Pasiphae: Wife of King Minos and mother to the Minotaur, one possible reason for Daedalus and Icarus’sContinue reading “The Downfall of Icarus”

Divine justice in the myth Laomedon

The myth “Laomedon” is a classic telling of divine justice as a result of a broken word. While this myth is present or referenced in many ancient and secondary literary works, the most notable are Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Apollodorus’ Library, and Homer’s Iliad.  The myth mainly involves Apollo, Zeus’ first born; Neptune, the king of theContinue reading “Divine justice in the myth Laomedon”

Mars & Venus / Ares & Aphrodite

“Mars and Venus”, a classic Roman myth, evokes the story of an adulterous affair in which the lovers are exposed by a distraught husband[1]. This work has appeared throughout history, such as in Homer’s Odyssey and Ovid’s Metamorphoses.  The myth features many gods and goddesses, with main characters being Venus, goddess of love, and Mars,Continue reading “Mars & Venus / Ares & Aphrodite”

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